
The participants of the NICS CESO briefing must be able to: 
  1. Recognize the strategic directives, enabling laws and requirement definitions of e-government.
  2.  Identify the essential components and processes to compose e-government strategic plan
  3. Define, review and manage business processes, and to recognize the value proposition offered by information and communications technology to improve processes and performance. 
  4. Use the relevant tools and methodology to understand, improve and manage business processes
  5. Discover technology architecture and explore the usability of the various applications in the performance of a job, and to enable the government agency to achieve the service and business objectives
  6. Describe the working environment that is enabled by information and communications technology in achieving its performance objectives.
  7.  Understand the components of managing ICT projects, and to build the requirements necessary to set-up the project management methodology of the government agency.


Topic 1: e-Government Framework, Policy Direction and Strategic Planning

It identifies the motivational basis to integrate the use of information and communications technology in government. It introduces the essential knowledge and skills in policy formulation and strategic planning. >click here for the details

Topic 2: e-Services Solutions

It introduces the core knowledge and skills to identify the appropriate e-service solutions to support  the needs of the government agency, and how to use the basic  computer applications and Internet technologies. >click here for the details

Topic 3: Business Process Management

It presents the essential mindset and process models to understand and to facilitate improvement of the government business units. >click here for the details

Topic 4: Essentials of Project Management

It identfies the essential knowledge and the basic  processes to effectively understand and manage information and communications technology project.  > click here for the details

A collaborative project between the Career Executive Service Board and the Commission on Information and Communications Technology- Human Capital Development Group.


Information and communications technology services must enable the government to realize its strategic business and service goals,and face the drivers of improvement. The development and implementation of ICT services are geared towards improving the Quality of Experience of the various stakeholders, and of the citizens.

Hence, the Commission on Information and Communication Technology and the Career Executive Service Board collaborated to realize the following objectives:

      • To define the core competencies needed by the non-IT managers and executives in public service to actively participate in e-government initiatives, and perform their functions and responsibilities within the context of an e-government environment, and to 
      • To formulate and implement the training design that facilitates capability building.

The NICS CESO formulation process involved:

        1. collection, review and presentation of best practices standards from various sources,
        2. conduct of focus group discussion with selected CESO certified executives and managers coming  from different government agencies and located in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.  The FGD  identifies and elaborates the knowledge and skils that will empower those in position of leadership in government to realize the efficient, effective and innovative delivery of  service through the use of information and communications technology,
        3. hold buy-in workshop to build stakeholder ownership of the drafted competency standards,
        4. formulate the training program to support the capability building demanded by the formulated NICS CESO
        5. conduct Executive Briefing on e-Government Awareness to introduce the Core Skills Set of the NICS CESO.


THe NICS-CESOs defines the competencies of a Government Executive.  It is divided into two skill sets:  e-Government Awareness, which comprise the core competencies; and Management and Implementation of e-Government Initiatives, which define the advanced competencies.

The core competencies define the requisite ICT skills to set a broad e-Government vision and show commitment to that vision by: 1) articulating the positive impact of e-Government on efficiency, service quality, and customer service; and 2) to identify the potential benefits of e-Government and how to achieve them.  These competencies are required for entry to the Career Executive Service.

The advanced competencies define the qualifications of Executives and Manager to effectively develop, implement, and manage e-Government programs and projects..

NICS CESO Core Skills Set 1:  e-Government Awareness

Performance Objectives:

      1. To effectively and efficiently manage the resources of the agency towards attainment of organizational objectives
      2. To document and understand the information and process flows
      3. To determine appropriate information technology applications that will address inadequacies in business processes
      4. To assure compliance to existing rules and regulations affecting ICT development and applications

Content Scope

      1. Organization, Policies and Practices
      2. Business Process Management
      3. Adoption and Use of Information and Communications Technology Solutions
      4. Ethics, Legal and Security Issues

Click here for the Performance Indicators

NICS CESO Advanced Skills Set 2: Management and Implementation of e-Government Initiatives

Performance Objectives:

        1. To identify appropriate strategies in the achievement of organizational goals
        2. To develop a blueprint for implementing IT programs in the organization
        3. To attain organization objectives in a responsive, timely, and cost-effective way
        4. To develop an integrated IT applications to interface all business units within and outside the organization
        5. To define targets and milestones
        6. To define and monitor performance indicators.  
        7. To use appropriate methodology and tools in providing efficient delivery of services
        8. To set standards for effective and reliable delivery of service

Content Scope:

      1. Strategic Planning and Management
      2. Enterprise Architecture
      3. Program and Project Management
      4. Service Management and Governance

Click here for the Performance Indicators


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