
"Lingkod Bayan" is a tagalog word to represent the elected and appointed individuals who serve the interests of the people through the government institutions. This Internet-based e-knowledge portal provides the gateway leading to the on-line information that are meant to shape understanding and management practices of public leaders in the Philippines on the integration of computer applications and  Internet technologies to achieve the goals of e-government.  It  believes on  "not-reinventing the wheel" by  "learning from"  and "building on" the  "best practices" and "benchmark standards" offered by the community of practitioners around the world.

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This open content e-knowledge portal for public leaders is an advocacy fueled by the initiator's engagement with the Career Executive Service Board to define the standard reference in training government managers and executive to support e-government initiatives.   At the same time, the need for organized on-line materials to encourage self-directed learning among the participants of the  e-Government Management Training conducted at the National Computer Institute, Commission on Information and Communications Technology. The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute representation by the LingkodBayaNet Project.  The links here are for informational and instructional purposes, and LingkodBayaNet Project does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this open content project.   For any comments and suggested links email: lingkodbayanet@gmail.com, or click here to send feedback


VERSION 1.0, 2007

The World Bank Definition of e-Government:

“E-Government” refers to the use by government agencies of information technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the Internet, and mobile computing) that have the ability to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. These technologies can serve a variety of different ends: better delivery of government services to citizens, improved interactions with business and industry, citizen empowerment through access to information, or more efficient government management. The resulting benefits can be less corruption, increased transparency, greater convenience, revenue growth, and/or cost reductions..”




The executive briefing facilitates the purposive articulation of the assumptions, concepts, values and practices behind the definition, planning, building, implementation, and support of the information and communications technology services fitted to the realization of the governance and business goals of the government units.

It brings into the discussion the management team (executives and service department heads) of the government unit and the practitioners who have made information and communications technology serve the strategic needs of the targeted organization.

This provides the collaborative mind mapping process to develop the strategic directives, metrics, architecture, and solutions to make e-government initiative hits it purposive goals within the context of the local government executive’s service agenda, legal mandate, funds and terms limit.

The Executive Briefing can either be a one day or two days events that include presentations, focus group discussion and solution demonstrations.  The expected participants are NGA/LGU executives and heads of the service/business units.

At the end of the briefings, the executives and managers must be able to recognize the following:

  1. The value of ICT in enabling the strategic and tactical objectives of the government
  2. The best practice of defining, planning and implementing the process management improvement and the technology structure supportive of realizing the service and business goals of the government
  3. The significance of open source technology solutions in realizing an integrated e-services



Briefing 1:  E-Government, Strategic Directives and Solution Framework

This briefing provides contextual definition of e-government, strategic direction and solution roadmap to help the local executive and management team to understand the critical concepts and structural definitions that must be properly positioned to guide electronic governance project. >Click here to send inquiry

Briefing 2: On Government Business Process and Service Metrics

This briefing introduces the way to understand the business of  government units and to establish the key performance indicators of measuring service goals realization. It is within this context that the integration of information and communications technology solutions is discovered and planned to support improvement of process delivery. >Click here to send inquiry

Briefing 3: On Government Business, Information, Application and Technology Architectures

This briefing provides the modeling framework to understand and improve the process and structures that define the government operation.  The holistic representations establish the baseline state, and the desired state of business operation to be pursued for the benefit of the government constituency.  >Click here to send inquiry

Briefing 4: On  Government Open Source Technology Solution Framework

This briefing presents an objective dissection of open source software licensing framework, the framework to rate the readiness of open source solution, and the integrative solution framework that put together open source tools in putting up a technological infrastructure that makes the national and local government units realize effective, open standard, and cost effective electronic governance. >Click here to send inquiry

For details email project manager: garriedavid@gmail.com

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The conduct of Executive Briefing is through the initiative of concern government agencies and non-government organizations with e-governance initiative. For details contact: garriedavid@gmail.com 

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